- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Budget Department & Cost Assessment
- Fuel Analysis
- Fuel Price Updates
- Fuel Program Research, Monitoring, and Tracking
- Assemble & Disassemble Tax, Regulatory, and Compliance Information to Appropriate Agencies
Kourtney brings six years of aviation experience to L/D. While her heart has always been in flight operations, she has expanded her knowledge of the industry by working with sales and maintenance. Kourtney comes from a family of aviation enthusiasts spanning from her great-grandfather, a B-17 pilot in WWII, to her stepfather, an Aviation Electrician in the Navy. Kourtney resides with her family in North Mississippi. She enjoys golfing, watching sports, and cooking out in her free time. Kourtney is excited to be a part of the L/D Aviation family and can’t wait to witness all that we will accomplish together!